Meet Andrea, Dublin Scioto Graduate and Columbus's Next Big Voice in Theatre
Believe it or not, Andrea had never been in front of a professional photographer's camera before our session. Take one look at this Dublin Scioto High School graduate's photos, and you'd think she's been modeling forever. What a natural.
I met Andrea at a fundraiser back in February. She and some of her Dublin City Schools classmates were the night's entertainment, singing their hearts out for the guests. Andrea has been singing all her life. If she had her way, she'd spend all day playing piano and singing. If you've heard Andrea sing, then you know that her ideal day would be a day well-spent. What a voice she has.
Andrea will be heading to Columbus State Community College in the fall to study art. While pursuing her degree, Andrea will also be auditioning for local theatre productions. In the meantime, she'll finish performing in a musical that she and 14 other students wrote over the course of two weeks at the Lovewell Institute for the Creative Arts. She's participated in the program for two years now, and she's excited to keep it going in the future.
While Andrea loves singing onstage, she is also drawn to the theatre for its willingness to speak the truth, question norms, and challenge taboos. As a former drama teacher myself, I love to see the passion and commitment of the newest generation of performers. I'm excited to see what Andrea brings to the stage and to the Columbus community.
Scroll down to check out more photos from her session.
If you're in Columbus, Ohio, and looking for senior photos, please visit my senior portfolio for more photos and session pricing.

For the photographers out there, this blog post features something new for me: a blog collage designed with Fundy Designer. The dozen photos you see above are all part of one collage image created in Fundy Designer. What's crazy is that I created the collage in about 60 seconds. From loading the software, uploading the images, designing the collage, and exporting the image, it all took about a minute. Amazing.
If you've read any of my other blog posts, you'll remember that each photo was viewed full size, which sounds great to the photographer in me, but that also meant that each image needed to load separately. Now a dozen photos load from an optimized single image that's smaller than a single image from my previous posts.
Fundy Designer has an "auto design" feature that uses templates to create an initial collage. Don't like where one photo was placed? Just click and drag, and it'll trade places with another photo. Want fewer photos? Just delete a few from the collage, and Fundy Designer automatically reshapes and resizes the collage. So easy, so intuitive. And the results are beautiful.
Thanks to Fundy's generosity, I have a copy of the full software suite, which I'll be talking about much more in the coming weeks. I'm diving into the world of In-Person Sales with Fundy Designer to help improve and streamline my business.
P.S. My partnership with Fundy is part of something big that I can't wait to share in early August. Stay tuned...!