Meet Lauren.
I’ve known Lauren for almost a year now. She was a student in my senior English elective class called Cultural Studies in Literature and Composition this past year. I was immediately drawn to Lauren’s openness and honesty. She is not one to hide her opinions, and she has the knowledge and intelligence to back them up.
Lauren’s mom adds, “Lauren is unique in that she has an inherent wit and is completely sarcastic, but also has this instinctive ability to read other peoples' moods and feelings. People are attracted to her because she is so full of life, unconditionally accepting, compassionate, and just plain funny!”
Lauren is also an incredible writer. Everything that I received from her in class had style, wit, and personality. I often saved Lauren’s writing for last because I knew it would be a good read. Whether we were reflecting on themes of toxic masculinity or feminism in Mindy McGinnis’s The Female of the Species, analyzing modern poetry, or writing about our plans for the future, I could always count on Lauren for writing that had her distinct voice and style.

Lauren is an amazing daughter and loving sister. When her sister had to cut short a semester abroad and return home from Italy in mid-March due to the pandemic (not a “global pandemic,” as both Lauren and I roll our eyes...), she could not wait to help plan her sister’s 21st birthday party, complete with pink champagne cake.
In fact, “It is not uncommon to find Lauren in the kitchen mixing up a batch of her famous Snickerdoodles for a friend who has had a bad day,” describes her mom. “She is known for swinging by Starbucks on the way to school and surprising her friends with their favorite drinks. If something exciting has happened in a friend's life, Lauren will show up on that friend's doorstep with a bouquet of flowers. Lauren is a natural born cheerleader, invariably encouraging others, selflessly celebrating their victories, and helping them overcome their disappointments.”
According to her mom, “Lauren is a little ball of energy. She bounces in and immediately changes the mood of the room. She brings a sense of lightness and pure joy. The room fills with laughter and the volume increases instantly!” I agree with all of this. That’s another thing that I always enjoyed about having Lauren in class: she always brought energy and excitement.
Lauren is a foodie always on the hunt for a great ramen place. She has high standards for coffee (a girl after my own heart!). She’s a great friend, a lacrosse star, and an active citizen for change.
Lauren heads to Miami University to study marketing and entrepreneurship in the fall. I cannot wait to see what success the future holds for Lauren. She will undoubtedly accomplish all that wants to and more.
“Lauren's opportunities are endless,” her mom says. “She is in complete control of her future. She has the intelligence, the creativity, the intuition, the courage, and the social responsibility to achieve whatever it is that she wants. No matter what path Lauren chooses, she will bring a brightness and sincerity to it. Watch out world, here comes Lauren!”
